Services — Midtown Pharmacy
Midtown Pharmacy is a full service community pharmacy. We accept all major insurance plans and offer MTM services and immunizations. Whether you are filling a regular prescription for long-term use or a new medicine to combat a short-term condition, you can be assured of the latest modern prescription drug services. We also offer medication adherence programs and non-sterile compounding.
Midtown Pharmacy, Midtown Pharmacy Columbus GA, Our Services, Midtown Pharmacy About Us, 2660 Buena Vista Rd Suite A, Columbus, GA 31906, your neighborhood pharmacy, Monday-Friday 9 am – 6pm, Saturday 9am – 1pm, Friendly Drive-Thru, FREE City Wide Prescription Delivery & Pick-Up,
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Services of Midtown Pharmacy

Midtown Pharmacy is a full service community pharmacy. We accept all major insurance plans and offer MTM services and immunizations. Whether you are filling a regular prescription for long-term use or a new medicine to combat a short-term condition, you can be assured of the latest modern prescription drug services. We also offer medication adherence programs and non-sterile compounding.

We have several solutions to help you to make taking medications much easier.

Prescription Delivery and Pick-Up

From the first day of business, Midtown Pharmacy has been known for its FREE City-wide Prescription pick-up and delivery service. Even when you are being discharged from the hospital, all you need to do is have the hospital fax your prescription to us and we will have it delivered to your house before you even get home. If you do not have any means of transportation, or are too sick to leave your house that day, give us a call and we will pick up your prescription, fill it and deliver it back to your house, absolutely FREE. We have a dedicated car just for delivering and picking up your prescription from your house. Please give us a call to learn more about our Pick-Up and Delivery service.

Durable Medical Equipment and Diabetics Supplies

Midtown Pharmacy is one of the few pharmacies in Columbus to receive accreditation from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) to dispense Durable Medical Equipment and Diabetics Supplies to those people with Medicare Part B. This means that our diabetic customers do not have to go through a mail order service to get their tests trips or lancets for free. Midtown Pharmacy even supplies the diabetic shoes to our customers under Medicare Part B insurance, with no paper work hassle.   If you are interested in learning more about our diabetics’ program, give us a call for more information.


Midtown Pharmacy of Columbus, is known for providing immunization for various diseases year-round for over 3 years, as well as flu shots during the cold season. Most of these vaccines are free with insurance. The cost for a flu shot without insurance is $25.00.

Some of the standard Vaccines available at Midtown Pharmacy are:

  •            Shingles – Zostavax
  •            Flu – Influenza Vaccine
  •            Strep Throat – Pneumococcal Vaccine
  •            Hepatitis A and B
  •            Polio – Inactivated Polio Vaccine
  •            Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)
  •            Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus – Td Vaccine
  •            Chicken Pox – Varicella Vaccine

Some of these vaccines require a prescription from your doctor and some require only a visit to our store. For more information on the immunization and the rules for immunization schedule, stop by Midtown Pharmacy or give us a call at (706) 596-8871.   Don’t wait until you get sick – protect yourself with the proper vaccines.

Vitamins and Supplements

At Midtown Pharmacy, we have different lines of vitamins and minerals, including popular brands and generic alternatives. Being part of Good Neighbor Pharmacy (GNP), Midtown Pharmacy is authorized to sell GNP brands of vitamins. Not only are GNP brands bioequivalent to popular name brands, but they are usually 30 to 50% cheaper than the brand names. In addition, we also have 21st century and Nature Made brands of vitamins and supplements. So, if you want to take the appropriate vitamins to stay healthy, stop by Midtown Pharmacy and add a few vitamins and minerals to your shopping cart. Also, check our monthly sales and special deals on these vitamins and other health remedies.

Other Services

Bill Payment Center

Midtown Pharmacy is your authorized bill payment center for more than 100 different utilities, car loan, mortgage, AT&T, rents, cables, phone bills and all the major credit cards as well as department store credit card bills. So, if you prefer to pay your monthly bills in person or are facing disconnection of your service for late payment of your bill, stop by Midtown Pharmacy for immediate credit to your account.

Western Union Center

Midtown Pharmacy is your authorized Western Union Center for money orders, money transfers and money pick-up. Here you can pick up money in cash that is wired to you through Western Union from any part of world. You can also wire money to any state in the U.S. as well as to any part of the world.

Full Array of Services

Whether you are filling a regular prescription for long-term use or a new medicine, we can help you as your community pharmacy